Senin, 14 Maret 2011

PC Parts

Parts of a computer
If you use a desktop computer, you may already know that there is no single piece, called "computer". The computer system is really a lot together. The physical components, which you can see and touch, are collectively called hardware. (Software, on the other hand refers to the instructions, or programs that tell the hardware what to do.)

The illustration below shows the most common material in a desktop computer system. Your system may seem a little different, but it most su
rely these parts. A laptop computer has similar parts but combines them into one package size laptop.

Let's take a look at each of these parts.

System Enhed

Kernen i Systemet enhed er and edb system. normalto er på det eller Kasse placeret in rektangulær In skrivebordet. Kasse India eat er i denne Elektronisk Komponenter, BEHANDLA der oplysninger. Den af ​​disse vigtigste Komponenter first central processing unit (CPU), mikroprocessoren eller, som der Füngers "hjernen computerID Andet element i. first and random access memory (RAM), som om oplysninger midlertidigt Gemmer, in CPU'en witches, men computerID c / tændt. De oplysninger, der i RAM gems, Sletten, computerID Når c / slukket.

Nearly all other parts of your computer connects to the CPU by using cables. The spark plug wires on specific ports (openings), usually in
the back of the unit. The team that is not part of the system unit is sometimes called a peripheral or device.

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