Contains various network component specifications and photos with explanation. Following networking topics are covered
- Motivation and Tools
- Network Programming And Applications
- Transmission Media
- Local Asynchronous Communication (RS-232)
- Long-Distance Communication (Carriers, Modulation, And Modems)
- Packets, Frames, And Error Detection
- LAN Technologies And Network Topology
- Hardware Addressing And Frame Type Identification
- LAN Wiring, Physical Topology, And Interface Hardware
- Extending LANs: Fiber Modems, Repeaters, Bridges, and Switches
- Long-Distance And Local Loop Digital Technologies
- WAN Technologies And Routing
- Connection-Oriented Networking And ATM
- Network Characteristics: Ownership, Service Paradigm, And Performance
- Protocols And Layering
- Internetworking: Concepts, Architecture, and Protocols
- IP: Internet Protocol Addresses
- Binding Protocol Addresses (ARP)
- IP Datagrams And Datagram Forwarding
- IP Encapsulation, Fragmentation, And Reassembly
- The Future IP (IPv6)
- An Error Reporting Mechanism (ICMP)
- UDP: Datagram Transport Service
- TCP: Reliable Transport Service
- Network Address Translation
- Internet Routing
- Client-Server Interaction
- The Socket Interface
- Example Of A Client And A Server
- Naming With The Domain Name System
- Electronic Mail Representation And Transfer
- IP Telephony (VoIP)
- File Transfer And Remote File Access
- World Wide Web Pages And Browsing
- Dynamic Web Document Technologies (CGI, ASP, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion)
- Active Web Document Technologies (Java, JavaScript)
- RPC and Middleware
- Network Management (SNMP)
- Network Security
- Initialization (Configuration)
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